木曜日, 12月 07, 2006



旧:## Interface: 11200

新:## Interface: 20000

Slash Commands
The following new slash commands will be available:
* Targeting:

* Items and equipment:
/use ,
/equip , /equipslot ,
/userandom , , will attempt to use a randomly selected one of the specified items

* Pet control:
/petattack, /petfollow, /petstay,
/petpassive, /petdefensive, /petaggressive,
/petautocaston , /petautocastoff

* Casting:
/stopcasting will cancel the spell that is currently being cast,
/castrandom , , will attempt to cast a randomly selected one of the specified spells

* Action bar:
/changeactionbar and /swapactionbar

* Attacking:
/startattack [unit], /stopattack

* Buffs/Auras:
/cancelaura name - cancels an aura as if it were right clicked

* Buttons:
/click ButtonName [mousebutton]

* /target, /focus, and /startattack take all valid unit ids as well as entity names. Where applicable they default to target if no unit is specified.

* In WoW 2.0, feeding your pet, poisons, etc. will be even easier to macro: /cast Feed Pet then /use Dry Pork Ribs.
You will also be able to click on food in your action bar when you are targeting Feed Pet and other item targeting spells.

* The first cast in a macro that fails will prevent further casts in the macro as if the 1.5 second global cooldown had been triggered.

* Item names can be used interchangably with spell names in /cast, /castrandom, and /castsequence


-Addon , Patch 2.01 , マクロコマンド

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