月曜日, 2月 05, 2007





The Nesingwary Safari 72.41 壮大な30KillQuestの幕開け
The Consortium Needs You! 31.57
The Throne of the Elements 60.22
Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor 46.18
Missing Mag'hari Procession 32.36
Proving Your Strength 49.22
He Called Himself Altruis... 27.43
Message in a Battle 73.67
Standards and Practices 72.70 -> 75.70 -> 76.68
Talbuk Mastery 53.29 -> 31.31 -> 26.41
Vile Idolatry 32.42
Clefthoof Mastery 35.58 -> 44.68
Murkblood Leaders... 31.41
The Howling Wind 60.22
The Missing War Party 32.36
Windroc Mastery 52.61 -> 31.31
Murkblood Corrupters 31.41
The Underneath e-ele
A Rare Bean 53.29 unk
Muck Diving 41.38
The Tortured Earth 67.35
Blessing of Incineratus 72.50 / 70.51 / 71.53 / 72.54
Vision of the Dead 23.42 / 27.40 / 30.33
Finding the Survivors 29.31
Survey the Land 話すだけ
Once Were Warriors 32.40
Eating Damnation 43.31
The Spirit Polluted 33.50
Bleeding Hollow Supply Crates 40.31
An Audacious Advance 40.33
Shattering the Veil 41.83
Diplomatic Measures 73.62
Armaments for Deception 70.81
Ruthless Cunning 71.82 Mob殺して死体に旗
Body of Evidence 45.21
Returning the Favor 45.21
Gava'xi 44.74
Matters of Security 32.71
Buying Time 24.36
The Master Planner 23.34
Gurok the Usurper 29.25
The Ultimate Bloodsport 45.64
Levixus the Soul Caller 39.71 terokkar
Cho'war the Pillager 26.15
Patience and Understanding 76.34 Shattrath Lower
Crackin' Some Skulls (Group) Ralig 76.34 shattrath (ogre) / Floon 27.54 terokka / Coosh Zangarmarsh 入ってすぐの小人
Material Components 56.52 nagrand / 44.30 terokkar / 20.8 zangarmarsh / 49.70 blade edge mountain
To Meet Mother Kashur 26.60
A Visit With The Ancestors 57.82 / 42.20 / 56.35 <- ここまでNagrand / 78.89 terokkar When Spirits Speak 35.76
A Secret Revealed 54.44 shattrath

-Quest location , nagrand

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